LAVA continues to actively support the local community of Nisyros

Η ΛΑΒΑ συνεχίζει να στηρίζει έμπρακτα την τοπική κοινωνία της Νισύρου

The company added to the Municipality’s fleet offering a new garbage truck

LAVA, a member of HERACLES Group, has donated a brand new garbage truck to the Municipality of Nisyros, once again true to its commitment to contribute substantially to the real needs of the local communities where it operates.  The new vehicle is already at the disposal of the municipality’s sanitation services.

Demonstrating a high sense of responsibility and social solidarity, LAVA financed the procurement of a modern, 7 cubic meter capacity garbage truck and delivered it to the Municipality of Nisyros. Thanks to its dimensions, it can navigate the narrow village streets with ease. This way, the company helps to further improve waste collection in the Municipality of Nisyros, contributing to the efforts to keep it clean.

“This is an extremely important donation that responds to a major issue, since it was impossible for us to procure a garbage truck given that municipal fees do not suffice to cover the cost. Thanks to the long-standing support and excellent cooperation with the company, confirmed with the renewal of the Cooperation Agreement in January 2018, important projects in support of the local community are being implemented. This is an exemplary and fruitful synergy between the wider public and the private sector that directly and promptly addresses the lack of resources” said Mr. Christofis Koroneos, Mayor of Nisyros.

Mr. Lefteris Christoforakis, HERACLES Group Director of Quarries and Mines, stated: “We have been present on this island for more than 65 years, listening to the local community’s expectations and responding with actions that create value and optimise residents’ quality of life. The donation of the new garbage truck adds to a broad spectrum of initiatives we take to enhance local development and actively support the local community and those in need. We will continue to pursue responsible business consistently and, above all, continuously, building strong foundations on the island.”

It is worth noting that LAVA implements a long-term program to support the local economy and society in Nisyros. It systematically participates in initiatives aimed at strengthening local infrastructure and improving villages, by either financing projects or offering Group products.

The company also covers the cost of projects designs, such as for the installation and operation of a biological treatment plant in Nisyros. It also supports the work of the Solidarity Centre that provides meals and care to residents in need. Finally, it supports the organisation of cultural events and sponsors the reconstruction of playgrounds.